
2014年6月16日 作者:Melody M

据《The Weekend Australian》公布的消息,移民局 Cash部长已宣布:在2014-15新财年中会计职业将继续保留在SOL技术移民职业清单上,但是会计专业的EOI名额将会比去年的名额缩减近一半,预计会有5000个名额,而2013-14会计的名额是9720个。不过根据2013-14财政年统计,会计EOI名额也只用去了5000多个,所以会计同学也不需要过多担心!另外建议还在考雅思或读PY、NATTI的同学们要抓紧时间努力了,争取在2014-15年间把签证搞定!

另外牙医专业也将继续保留在SOL技术移民职业清单上,意味着 2014-15财年中将有942个牙医名额。在过去五年中,牙医的数量已经增长了41%,并且在接下来的五年中,牙医数量预计将会进一步增加20%。


The government has capped the program at 43,990 skilled visas next financial year. For each of the professions on the list, the number of positions available is capped at 6 per cent of the occupation’s workforce. After the agency agreed to -reduce the cap for accountants to 4.5 per cent, the Assistant Minister for Immigration, Michaelia Cash, said the government had decided to reduce the cap further to 3 per cent.

Senator Cash said the new -occupational ceiling would limit the number of accountancy places to about 5000 next financial year.

“Lowering this ceiling will not only ensure that the allocation of the program remains appropriate to Australia’s … needs, but will safeguard other in-demand occupations … from being crowded out from excessive -accountant applications,’’ she said.

The government has backed the agency’s recommendation to keep dentists on the list and maintain the cap at 6 per cent, meaning up to 942 foreign dentists will be able to obtain permanent visas next financial year. About 15,700 dental practitioners are employed in Australia, with non-citizens making up 15.2 per cent compared with an 11 per cent average across all professional occupations.

According to the agency, there has been a 41 per cent growth in dental employment over the past five years, with employment growth expected to rise 20 per cent over the next five years.

But the number of graduates employed full-time has fallen 20 per cent over the past years, including a 6.1 per cent fall between 2012-13.


