澳洲政策改变 2009年7月1日

2009年9月10日 作者:Melody M




Standard conditions 基本条件增加:

1.The principle applicant for provisional visa sponsorship must be the principle applicant for permanent residency sponsorship (unless otherwise agreed and noted in the Conditional Sponsorship Offer).



2.The applicant must hold no less than a 51% interest in their ‘eligible’ Victorian business, if that business has a turnover of less than A$400,000 (excluding GST) in the 12 months immediately before applying for Permanent Residency.



3.The Victorian government does not participate in the Migration Review Tribunal appeals process.



4.Victorian government sponsorship is not transferable to any other Australian State or Territory.



5.The sponsored party will be required to reside in Victoria and exercise the day to day strategic management an ‘eligible’ business. They should also spend no less than 16 months in Victoria during the 24 month period immediately preceding lodgment of their Permanent Residency Visa application with DIAC.



6.The ‘eligible’ Victorian based business must commence operation within 23 months of the principle visa holder arriving in Australia.



7.Any intention to change the primary nature of the proposed business activity must be discussed with the Manager Business Migration to ensure the ‘eligible’ nature of the alternate business activity.



8.The applicant must have transferred no less than A$400,000 net assets to Victoria within 23 months of arrival in Australia, of which $300,000 must be available for business.



9.Within two (2) weeks of arrival in Australia the applicant must make an appointment to report in person to the Melbourne office of the sponsor (or other party as agreed) to register their arrival.



10.The Victorian government reserves the right to make direct contact with the applicant in relation to this application or related matters.



11.The applicant must read (or have had read to them) the contents of their application and then personally sign a conditional sponsorship offer confirming that the information contained therein is true and correct.申请人必须阅读(或已读给他们)以上内容及其应用,然后亲自签署有条件提供赞助确认所载的资料是真实和正确。



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