
2014年8月4日 作者:Melody M


评估机构TRA(Trades Recognition Australia)目前将3年前通过认证的职业评估如何renew的问题列为需要优先解决的问题。这是一个有点复杂的问题。因为评估机构一直在持续更新评估的流程和材料证据等要求,所以有些能满足3年前的评估要求的有些国家和职业的申请者,可能已经满足不了当前的评估要求。




From 1 July 2014, DIBP has introduced a requirement that skills assessments used to apply for certain skilled visas may not be older than three years from the date of issue. This is to ensure that the skills held by an applicant are still current at the time of visa application. TRA is seeking further information from DIBP on its policy amendment, which is reflected in Schedules 2 and 13 of the Migration Regulations 1994, including an estimate of the numbers of clients it anticipates will be affected by the change.

TRA is currently examining, as a priority, the implications of the policy for those with a skills assessment issued more than three years ago. This is a complex process. As you are aware, TRA has changed its programs over time to improve its assessment processes and evidence requirements to ensure it is assessing the skills of applicants against current industry standards (for example, in all our current programs, applicants need an AQF or comparable qualification at the required level in their occupation). Someone who met the criteria under an old program may not meet the criteria of the current program for a specified country and occupation.

TRA is unable simply to re-issue a skills assessment outcome letter with a revised date. To satisfy DIBP requirements, it must establish the currency of the skills held and as noted above, this can be more than just checking a person has recently worked in an occupation. TRA is currently looking at whether it can streamline processes for those with a TRA skills assessment that is no longer accepted by DIBP. When a policy response has been developed, this information will be posted on the TRA website. Until that time, visa applicants with a previous assessment that is no longer accepted by DIBP must apply for a new skills assessment under the program now applicable.


